Experience the Future of Intelligent Automation with AccuPick 3D at iREX 2017

We are delighted to announce that Solomon Technology Corporation will be showcasing AccuPick 3D, our innovative 3D bin picking solution, at the International Robot Exhibition 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. The exhibition will take place from November 29th to December 2nd, 2017, at Tokyo Big Sight East Hall 1-3. We invite you to visit us at Booth #IRV-7 to explore firsthand the remarkable capabilities of our product.

At Solomon, we have integrated advanced vision and deep learning technologies into our 3D bin picking solution, resulting in a cutting-edge automation solution for various industries. Our solution enables efficient and accurate picking of objects, replacing labor-intensive manual processes. By leveraging the power of advanced vision systems and the latest developments in deep learning, we have created a solution that significantly enhances productivity and precision.

During the International Robot Exhibition 2017, our team will be available to provide in-depth demonstrations and answer any questions you may have. We are eager to share our expertise and showcase how AccuPick 3D can revolutionize your manufacturing processes. Join us to experience the future of intelligent automation with Solomon Technology Corporation.

International Robot Exhibition invitation