Textiles and Footwear

  • Glass Fiber Bobbin Deracking

    Glass Fiber Bobbin Deracking

    The challenge of accurately identifying the bobbin position in the rack…

  • Inspecting Packaging Seals

    Inspecting Packaging Seals

    Based on deep learning technology, SolVision can determine whether a seal…

  • Automated Visual Inspection of Yarn

    Automated Visual Inspection of Yarn

    Using AI-powered SolVision, the AI model is capable of identifying flaws…

  • AI Visual Inspection on Ribbons

    AI Visual Inspection on Ribbons

    Using Solomon SolVision’s Instance Segmentation tool, all kinds of colored and…

  • AI Visual Inspection of Socks

    AI Visual Inspection of Socks

    After being trained with a small set of sample images, Solomon…

  • AI Inspection of Plastic Buckles

    AI Inspection of Plastic Buckles

    Powered by artificial intelligence, SolVision features four individual tools designed for…