assorted shiny metal parts

AccuPickCase Study

Shiny Metal Parts Bin Picking


The customer is Mergon, a leading design and manufacturing company that specializes in producing assemblies and components for various industries, including the automotive, medical, and industrial sectors.


Identifying and Handling Shiny Metal Parts

Mergon sought an advanced vision solution capable of accurately identifying the shiny top and bottom views of buckle pieces (measuring 1.5cm x 1.5cm) within a tray. The solution needed to achieve a picking accuracy of up to 1mm.

The customer recognized the challenge of individually handling each part using a high-end bowl feeder, primarily due to the lightweight nature and slippery surface of the objects.


Efficient Part Detection and Picking with AccuPick + SolScan

Solomon’s integrated vision system offers numerous advantages, including the capability to detect shiny surfaces. AccuPick, a part of Solomon’s solution, utilizes SolScan, an industrial scanner, to generate high-quality 3D point cloud data. This enabled optimal picking point identification even when objects overlapped.

Mergon benefited from Solomon’s bin picking solution, AccuPick, which provided enhanced flexibility by allowing coverage of a wide range of manufacturing parts using a single scanner and AI software.

With Solomon’s solution, Mergon experienced significant time savings, as the need for mechanical programming was reduced, resulting in a faster return on investment.


AccuPick enabled Mergon to detect and pick parts quickly and efficiently
Combined with SolScan, AccuPick accurately identified picking points, even when objects overlapped
Mergon saved time and improved ROI by reducing mechanical programming and utilizing a single scanner and AI software
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