high quality Galvanized steel pipe or Aluminum and chrome stainless pipes in stack waiting for shipment in warehouse

META-aiviCase Study

Parts Inventory Management Using AR + AI


The customer is a mechanical equipment manufacturer and supplier with clients in every continent.


Parts Inventory Management

As a transportation method and leisure activity, cycling has become increasingly popular throughout the world. To capitalize on this trend bicycle manufacturers are having to ramp up production and optimize their supply chain. As a supplier for bicycle manufacturers, the customer needed a solution to keep an accurate inventory to ensure that their clients never run out of parts.

high quality Galvanized steel pipe or Aluminum and chrome stainless pipes in stack waiting for shipment  in warehouse


Volume and Variety of Parts Complicate Inventory Management Process

As a mechanical parts supplier, the customer has a large inventory of steel pipes and other bicycle components of varying shapes and sizes. For stocktaking, the customer relied on a basic system of manual counting – which was both inefficient and prone to mistakes (due to the difficulty for the naked eye to distinguish between pipe diameters of different sizes), resulting in calculation errors and inaccuracies. In addition, the complexity of the materials made it unfeasible to implement an automated counting solution.


Fast and Accurate Counting with META-aivi

META-aivi uses artificial intelligence to accurately identify size variations of the pipes instantaneously. Using the fast counting feature, all the different parts are classified and counted within seconds, with the results displayed immediately on the operator’s tablet screen. These results are uploaded to the company’s manufacturing execution system, helping to improve production output.

META-aivi Inspection Results

steel pipes stacked in a basket
Before AI inspection:
The shape and volume of metal pipes make manual counting challenging
stack of steel pipes counted using AR
After AI inspection:
META-aivi enables rapid and 100% accurate simultaneous counting and classification of pipes


100% counting accuracy, taking a fraction of the time it took to count manually
Expanded digitization into their inventory management and control process
Eliminated human error, which greatly improved efficiency and led to a reduction in total production time
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